Home Charging Nostalgic Look Back: The Evolution of EV Charging Infrastructure

Nostalgic Look Back: The Evolution of EV Charging Infrastructure

Remembering the Early Days of EV Charging

Photo by ChargePoint

A nostalgic dive into my photo archives unearthed a snapshot emblematic of revolutionary progress: the inaugural Electrify America station in El Paso, unveiled in 2019. Reveling in this momentous headway felt like uncovering a token from another era, especially against the backdrop of the 2018 Nissan LEAF purchase—a time when charging options were scarce.

The onslaught of “you should’ve bought a Tesla” remarks fails to account for the period’s constricted EV landscape, where the coveted Model 3 remained ensnared in ‘production hell’ and my budget constraints rendered alternative EVs unattainable.

Fast forward to today, and the embryonic infrastructure woes that haunted even luxury EV owners are now mostly historical anecdotes, especially for those who joined the electric revolution in the past few years.

Life Before Widespread Fast Charging

My EV experience began with necessity dictating strategy as I traversed some 40 arduous miles from southern New Mexico to El Paso for rideshare gigs. With only Level 2 charging available, I quickly became adept at maximizing every charged electron.

My charging technique often involved a calculated stop at a ChargePoint station housed in a Whole Foods parking lot. Eventually facing the irony of a shut-down station due to its overwhelming success, I would adapt and find alternative charging havens across the city.

Nocturnal journeys taught me the harsh lessons of range anxiety. Once, an underestimated battery percentage left me hill-shy of my destination, necessitating an unanticipated tow and reinforcing the savvy of energy-preserving, backroad homeward crawls.

Taking EV Road Trips Against the Odds

Undeterred by the challenging circumstances, I embarked on ambitious EV excursions—once almost 1,200 miles—navigating the scant pre-existing infrastructure with nothing but inventive spirit and my trusted LEAF.

One memorable voyage involved an audacious gambit to cut journey times sans full battery charge, punctuated by a distressing encounter at a gas station. Despite securing permission to charge, I was confronted by an anti-EV manager over the alleged theft of electricity, resulting in the transient confiscation of my charging equipment. A local law enforcement entanglement ensued with crucial lessons learned on both sides.

The Brighter Present and Future of EV Charging

Contrasted against those trial-laden times, the current network of Electrify America stations strategically peppers the landscape, eliminating the once-daunting range concerns. Furthermore, the imminent expansion of charging facilities promises an even more seamless EV experience.

Today’s gripes about repeated plugin attempts or temporary charger queues pale in comparison to the intrepid challenges of the past. Nonetheless, yesterday’s hardships fortify our appreciation for today’s ease, paving the way for progress in the realm of electric mobility.

Early adopters like myself endure as living testaments to the trials surmounted, hoping such narratives instill gratitude rather than impart impatience in the new cohort of EV enthusiasts.



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