Tesla’s Playful Tech: Uncovering Easter Eggs and Anticipating Software Updates

Tesla's Creative Side: Easter Eggs and Software Updates

Photo by Bram Van Oost on Unsplash

In the golden days before 2019, Tesla was not just a car manufacturer; it was a purveyor of surprises and innovation, famously integrating a plethora of playful, and even astonishing Easter eggs into their vehicles. These little hidden features were often the charming hooks that caught the attention and hearts of new buyers. Initially, discovering these Easter eggs was akin to an insider’s secret, requiring specific keywords to unveil the fun lying beneath the surface. In a move to showcase these digital treasures, Tesla later bundled them together, easily accessible via a dedicated area on the touchscreen. However, since this change, it feels like the stream of new additions to this secret menu has slowed to a trickle.

The Desire for Continuous Improvement

From performance boosts to novel, engaging features or even just a laugh sparked by a quirky Easter egg, the expectation for Tesla’s software updates has always been high. Yet, in recent times, these updates have become sparse and underwhelming, with substantial enhancements appearing far less frequently than desired—if at all.

It would seem that Tesla has the capacity to dazzle us once more—if only there was the will to do so. It’s not just about adding frivolity; fans are clamoring for new additions that blend entertainment with utility. Below, I’ve outlined a wishlist that many Tesla enthusiasts, myself included, would eagerly anticipate:

Software Update Wishlist:

  1. Integrate phone-to-touchscreen casting, so whatever we’re watching on our phones can be easily shared with the Tesla display.
  2. In the Tesla Theater, add ESPN+. It’s already part of the bundle with Disney+ and Hulu, which are available, so this seems a natural next step.
  3. Create a visually stunning Mandalorian Easter egg, transforming the touchscreen into the Razor Crest’s control panel—complete with a Grogu co-pilot. Additional Guild missions would be a bonus (although Tesla’s corporate dealings with Disney might make this tricky).
  4. Empower users with more control over the touchscreen’s layout or give us the ability to revert to more intuitive past versions.
  5. Enhance navigation flexibility by allowing us to manually adjust our route with a simple drag of the finger.
  6. Add a feature to lock navigation routes in place to avoid unexpected recalculations mid-journey.
  7. Implement a school zone alert system with a visual cue, such as a yellow flash on the display, for increased safety.
  8. Improve the traffic visualization by displaying other Tesla cars in their correct model representation and accurate paint color.
  9. Expand the Tesla Theater lineup with additions such as Tennis Channel+, Peacock, and Paramount+.
  10. Bring practicality to the dashboard with app integrations like Google Suite, weather forecasting, and shopping or social apps like Starbucks, Target, and WhatsApp.
  11. Revolutionize the automatic windshield wiper system to operate as smoothly and reliably as those in conventional vehicles.

Tesla has revolutionized the way we think about cars, but there’s always room for more innovation and delight. Keeping the software fresh and feature-rich would not only sustain current customer satisfaction but also continue to cement Tesla’s reputation as a leader in automotive ingenuity.


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