Unraveling The Impact of Fossil Fuel Lobbying on Building Energy Code Updates

An Update on Building Energy Codes and Conflict of Interests

Photo by Valeriy Kryukov on Unsplash

The International Code Council (ICC), a non-profit organization, collaborates with various stakeholders to update energy codes that dictate the construction standards for new buildings nationwide. Their stated mission underscores the provision of essential information and tools trusted by building safety professionals and the public at large.

The Proposed Energy Code Changes

Initiatives to make new buildings more efficient through advanced wiring for heat pumps, electric vehicle chargers, and electric stoves were on the table during the Code Council’s last revision cycle. Although the upfront costs for implementing such provisions would slightly increase, they stood to save homeowners substantial amounts down the line in terms of energy costs and reduced reliance on gas for heating or vehicular fuel.

Industry Pushback and the Appeal Outcomes

These proposed code enhancements sparked significant resistance from the fossil fuel industry, particularly the American Gas Association (AGA) and heating equipment manufacturers. The ICC’s appeals board previously upheld the new codes, but in a turn of events, the ICC board sided with industry advocates on March 19, 2024. This decision demoted almost all the challenged codes to the optional appendix, significantly reducing their adoption and implementation.

Impact of Fossil Fuel Lobbying

The AGA’s influence on this decision is notable, as it is largely funded by gas utility customers across the nation. Caleb Heeringa from the Gas Leaks Project highlighted the extent to which consumer energy bills inadvertently fund fossil fuel advocacy, including the AGA’s efforts to undermine clean energy initiatives.

Critiques of the ICC’s Decision-Making Process

Industry voices weighed heavily on this surprising policy reversal, revealing potential flaws in the ICC’s code development process. Critics argue that this decision contradicts the principles of openness, transparency, and consensus within the code development framework.

A Look at the ICC’s History and Political Dynamics

In the past, the process of updating the ICC codes was typically routine. However, recent years have seen increased concern over climate change, spurring government officials to push for more efficient energy standards. The recent shift in the ICC’s voting process, where now industry representatives have more say, has drawn criticism for potentially stalling the shift away from fossil fuels.

Industry Reaction to Greener Codes

The American Gas Association and the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) were among those that favored the ICC board’s recent decision against the greener codes. This reaction reflects the industry’s interest in maintaining the status quo and avoiding potential legal conflicts with new energy standards.

The Potential Fallout from ICC’s Latest Action

This latest development has drastic implications. As concerns over the integrity of the ICC rise, there is a growing momentum to consider alternative code books. With global temperatures hitting record highs, the urgency for effective and progressive building codes is more pronounced than ever.


The recent decisions by the ICC might signal the need for a new approach to standard-setting in the building industry. Organizations like the ICC must align with the necessary climate actions to ensure the future sustainability of our built environment and mitigate the effects of climate change.


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