Revolutionizing Rural EV Charging: Overcoming Obstacles to Connect Remote Areas

Revolutionizing Rural EV Charging: A Challenge to Embrace

Expanding electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure into rural areas is a task that demands innovation and dedication. The goal is to connect cherished rural destinations unreachable by EV due to inadequate charging facilities. Last year, I assumed the mantle of coolness as I embarked on persuading businesses across the Southwest to host EV charging stations—a venture I approached with the same zeal that had brought success in my previous business ventures.

FreeWire: A Solution for Rural EV Charging Challenges

FreeWire Technologies emerged as a promising solution to the problem of inadequate utility connections in small towns, with their battery-integrated stations capable of being installed almost anywhere. Charged at a slower rate continuously, these can offer a fast power boost to EVs as needed. Armed with this knowledge, I reached out to numerous businesses to pitch this innovative charging solution.

The Hesitation of Rural Business Owners

However, I encountered a prevalent skepticism amongst rural business owners. Many had rarely seen EVs frequent their premises and thus questioned the necessity of such infrastructure. This catch-22 situation—lack of EVs due to insufficient charging options, leading to reluctance in investing in such infrastructure—stood as a formidable barrier.

Communicating with FreeWire reinforced my findings; the technology was a tough sell unless the business owner was futuristic in their thinking and willing to embrace risk. Most responses ranged from polite declines to confrontational inquiries about why somebody else didn’t install a charging station at their “amazing” business.

Introducing the FreeWire Accelerate Program

But the tides are changing with FreeWire’s Accelerate Program. Instead of selling the charging hardware and accompanying service plans, this innovative program offers businesses in Connecticut a refreshing alternative. FreeWire’s Founder and CCO, Arcady Sosinov, advocates this initiative as a catalyst for improving the economics of EV charging by providing an opportunity for businesses to feature an EV offering without incurring upfront costs.

This program relieves businesses from the financial burden by covering equipment and installation costs, while maintaining ownership. In return, businesses can brand the charging stations, access usage data, engage customers through a 24-inch display, and receive revenue shares alongside a set lease fee for the occupied parking spaces. This model essentially eliminates risk while presenting a profitable venture for business participants.

Further, businesses retain the choice to either purchase the stations after some years, continue the leasing arrangement, or even opt for outright purchase from the onset. The program is flexible, catering to diverse business needs and encouraging them to dip their toes in the EV charging landscape.

Crucially, the Accelerate Program enables businesses to market the charging service as their own, potentially building a distinctive charging brand. Chevron, as highlighted, is one of the first to embrace the program, likely due to these compelling benefits.

Call to Action for Business Owners

Small business owners stand to gain substantially from this venture. If you’re in this category and wish to explore the possibilities, visit FreeWire’s website and consider applying for the program. The future of EV charging in rural areas is ready to be shaped, and your business could be at the forefront of this transformation.



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